Algerian parliament

Algerian parliamentarian Hussein Leribi blamed Speaker of Algerian parliament for the approach he adopted during distribution of senior positions inside the Algerian parliament. He accused him of deliberately excluding the Algerian opposition from the leading posts inside the parliament.
He said, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, that the speaker of parliament turned to adopt a new approach contradicting with the Algerian norms since the establishment of the multiparty party in 1989, as he excluded all opposition parties from the parliament’s senior positions in cooperation with the ruling party and other its loyal parties.
He added that the ruling authority decided to punish the opposition parties for their decision to participate in the parliamentary elections, saying that the absence of opposition role during the recent parliamentary rounds strongly affected the parliamentary role in the Algerian political and social life.
He stressed that the parties of power within the Algerian parliament have been working to impose their influence in the Algerian parliament to pave the way for a presidential alliance to run for the presidential elections scheduled to be held in 2019.
He pointed out that the signs that surfaced days after the inauguration of the new parliament do not bode well for robbing the powers of opposition, saying that that the speaker of Algerian parliament refuses to open a dialogue with the opposition leaders. He also criticized Algerian Muslim Brotherhood for its decision to return to an alliance with the ruling authorities despite the violations committed by the government during the parliamentary elections.
He stressed the need for should consider its position in the Algerian political life on the basis of the results of the parliamentary elections held on last Thursday on one hand and the current conditions witnessed in the country on the other hand.
He stressed that the recent parliamentary elections provided a clear opportunity to the movement to review its position and to correct the mistakes it committed during the recent period, calling the movement for focusing on the coming local elections. He stressed that the coming local elections are considered critical for the movement’s future.