Algerian parliamentarian Nasser Hamdadoush

Algerian parliamentarian Nasser Hamdadoush expressed his resentment over the performance of Algerian government, saying it does not adopt any different approach from previous governments. He stressed that the recent elections led the country to a similar government to the previous governments that ruled the country during the recent years.
He blamed the former governments for the current economic crises that hit the country, saying that they failed to deal with these crises that came as a result of the current decline witnessed in the oil prices. He stressed that the government failed to meet the aspirations of Algerian people during the recent period, expecting that the new government will not achieve any progress.
He said that “The rigged election results are enough for pushing the MSP to reject offer of joining the government.” He added, “The conditions set by the MSP to join the government have not been met,” he said, recalling the conditions as: “the integrity of elections, the party’s access to a majority or a considerable parliamentary bloc, and participation in a national consensus government program.”
He added that the movement’s activists have clear evidences proving the authenticity of threats launched by the candidate of the ruling party in Al Wadi governorate. He added that the movement notified the Algerian security forces and the electoral commission over the attack that targeted its activists, saying that they decided to file a lawsuit before the country’s judicial authorities against the commission.
He called on the public authorities to intervene urgently to save the election process, which began quietly, but it witnessed later serious distortion at the end, which may undermine the credibility of Algerian elections.
He added that they have not taken any decision whether to join the executive authority or not, saying that they will hold a meeting to discuss the matter in the near future.
On the other hand, leading member of the movement Abdel Rahman Saidi defended their right to join the coming government, saying that such issues should not be considered upon personal viewpoints while through the institutions of the party.
He stressed that the movement should consider its position in the Algerian political life on the basis of the results of the parliamentary elections held on last Thursday on one hand and the current conditions witnessed in the country on the other hand.
He stressed that the recent parliamentary elections provided a clear opportunity to the movement to review its position and to correct the mistakes it committed during the recent period, calling the movement for focusing on the coming local elections. He stressed that the coming local elections are considered critical for the movement’s future.