Vice President of the World Union of Muslim Scholars Ahmed Al Raysoni.

Vice President of the World Union of Muslim Scholars Ahmed Al Raysoni said that extremism and terrorism is not an intellectual, scientific or religious issue, but rather a political and social issue, explaining that extremists in order to establish and strengthen their ideas and ideology rely on quoting, interpretation and taking of heritage.

He added that imbalances, injustices and prejudices in the social and political reality of the international and Arab order are the major reasons behind extremism. He stressed, “Religion is not the source of extremism and terrorism. If religion was the source of extremism, we, as preachers, would become the imams of extremists.”

He added that Extremists or terrorists, who have learned Islam in seven days without a teacher, pointing out that most of those who approach this way know little about the religion, and its causes. He stressed that the social and psychological problems they face in their lives pushed them to accept the false ideas attributed to Islam from their extremist preachers.

He stressed the importance of combating extremist propaganda on social media and said there was also scope to channel messages about moderate Islam through popular platforms such as entertainment, popular culture, and video games.

He said it was also crucial women played a role in preventing radicalisation by exerting their influence over sons and brothers. But such encouragement had to be done in a gentle way, he said, stressing that Morocco has a special council charged with supervising sermons to stamp out radical hate preaching.