Indian World Cup hero Yuvraj Singh, who is recovering after cancer treatment, received a boost when batting superstar Sachin Tendulkar visited him in London. The duo met for an hour at an apartment of Yuvraj’s friend on Wednesday, the Press Trust of India news agency said Friday, adding the all-rounder got a warm embrace from Tendulkar and they posed for photographs. Tendulkar, the world’s leading scorer in both Test and one-day cricket, wished Yuvraj a speedy recovery and an early return to the game. Yuvraj was discharged on March 18 from a hospital in the United States, where he had been undergoing chemotherapy for a malignant tumour between his lungs. Thousands of well-wishers, including US cycling great Lance Armstrong, have sent messages to the 30-year-old Yuvraj, who is known for his aggressive batting and disciplined spin bowling. Yuvraj, who has scored 8,051 runs in 274 one-dayers and 1,775 runs in 37 Tests since making his international debut in 2000, is expected to return to the field in May.