Andre Myhrer

Andre Myhrer of Sweden won the closing slalom race at the alpine skiing World Cup finals at St Moritz on Sunday.

He had the fourth fastest time on the first run, which was led by Switzerland's Daniel Yule, but the margins were tight on what was a relatively easy course with 15 skiers all within a second off the pace.

Marcel Hirscher, already assured of an unprecedented fifth straight overall World Cup victory, briefly took the lead after a fifth place on the first run.

But next man up Myrher went better to total 1min 43.75secs, 00.14secs faster that the Austrian. It was his seventh World Cup victory, but the first since November, 2012

Sebastian Foss-Solevaag of Norway took third place at 00.36secs and Yule fell back to take 11th place.

Hirscher took 80 points for his second place bringing his overall total for the season to 1795, nearly 500 points ahead of his nearest rival, Henrik Kristoffersen of Norway, who took the slalom title.

Source: AFP