England's James Rodwell

The organisation representing holders of the Victoria Cross, Britain's highest award for military bravery, insisted Friday it had no qualms over the Rugby Football Union's decision to incorporate the design of the medal into the new England team shirt.
Wednesday saw the RFU apologise "to those who may have taken offence" over the fact that small rubber grips in the shape of the Victoria Cross designed to give players extra purchase on the ball were part of both the new home white shirt and crimson second jersey.
The design had been criticised by the Victoria Cross Trust, a charitable body that exists to ensure the memory and graves of every VC recipient are remembered and maintained, which said it was "very frustrating when you see the image being used for marketing purposes".
But the Victoria Cross and George Cross Association, which represents holders of the VC, Britain and the Commonwealth's highest military honour, and the George Cross -- the civilian equivalent -- said it was pleased the motif had been incorporated into the new shirts.
"Although the Association was not previously aware of the RFU's decision to incorporate the motif, following discussions between the Association and the RFU (and taking account of the statement issued by the RFU) it is clear that the RFU did not intend to cause any offence," Association chairman-elect Major Peter Norton GC said, in a statement.
"Strong links have always existed between the game of rugby and the military.
"The RFU's core values of teamwork, respect, enjoyment, discipline and sportsmanship sit well with the military's core values of loyalty, integrity, courage, discipline, respect and selfless commitment.
"Given that we, as a nation, are now commemorating the centenary of the First World War, and the sacrifices made by so many during that period, the Association feels that the RFU's decision to incorporate a Victoria Cross-inspired motif within the design of the new England shirt is a subtle, and fitting, mark of respect for those who went above and beyond.
"We wish to thank the RFU for this, and for their continued support for the Armed Forces, past, present and future."
The Victoria Cross has only been awarded 1,354 times during its 158-year existence, most recently in 2012.
In a previous sign of the links between the military and rugby union, England coach Stuart Lancaster created the Arthur Harrison Award for the England player producing the best defensive performance in a match.
Harrison is England's only rugby international to be awarded the Victoria Cross, bestowed posthumously after he lost his life in the Zeebrugge raid of April 1918 in the First World War.
The new shirt will be worn for the first time when 2015 World Cup hosts begin their home end-of-year Test schedule against world champions New Zealand at Twickenham on November 8.
Source: AFP