Missy Franklin starred with 4 gold medals

Missy Franklin on Friday warned her US teammates to expect a strong challenge from China at next year's Olympics as the rising Asian power bids to break America's stranglehold on swimming.

Franklin, who starred with four gold medals for the United States at London 2012, said she expected China to bring their "A-game" to Rio as they try to topple the Americans.

The United States have led the way at the last six Olympics, but China had their best ever Games in London as they finished second on the swimming medals table for the first time.

"They always challenge us," Franklin told AFP in Hong Kong, where she is competing at the eight-leg World Cup series as she begins her build-up to the Olympics.

"It's always an incredible battle and they always bring their A-game no matter what. They make us better and I think we're all really grateful for that."

At London 2012, Sun Yang lowered his men's 1,500m world record as he grabbed two golds, while Ye Shiwen caused a stir with two titles at the age of just 16.

Ye, who set tongues wagging with her world record in the women's 400m individual medley, has been hampered by injury but Franklin said she was capable of springing more surprises in Brazil.

"She's such a sweetheart," the American said of Ye.

"I really wish her the best of luck and the most incredible success she can get, but I think it'll be anyone's game.

"I think she's more than capable of coming out and surprising everyone like she did in 2012."

Although the Olympics are nearly a year away, Franklin said she was already starting her preparations by taking part in the World Cup series.

Franklin was only 17 when she won four golds in London, and she said she hoped to do better at her second Olympics.

"I have an Olympics under my belt and I think that's going to give me a lot of experience going in to help with my second one, so we'll see what happens," she said.

"I always want to be better than my best," Franklin added. "I think that was the best that I could do last time, I would love to be better than that or match that this time but we're going to see where I am now."

She also said Michael Phelps has "more than one" gold medal left in him as the most decorated Olympian in history, now 30, bids to make the American team.

"Every time I'm on a team with Michael I learn so much from him," Franklin said.

"He's such a leader for our team and it's such an incredible experience coming to watch the greatest swimmer that's ever lived, and compete and be on a team with him. It's so special."
Source: AFP