Ukraine\'s leaders Sunday said Wladimir Klitschko showed the \"invincible\" qualities of Ukrainian national character in his victory over Britain\'s David Haye to become world boxing heavyweight champion. \"Millions of spectators and fans all over the world witnessed this remarkable event -- you became the champion of the prestigious international organization of professional boxing, World Boxing Association (WBA),\" said Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in his statement of congratulation. Prime Minister Mykola Azarov described the victory as a \"fantastic achievement\", which demonstrated to the world the invincible qualities of the Ukrainian national character. \"You showed the highest skills, endurance and the invincible power of the spirit in this battle,\" said Azarov in his statement. \"This is a fantastic demonstration to the world of the invincible Ukrainian character.\" Klitschko now holds the IBF, WBO and WBA belts after being awarded Saturday\'s fight 117-109, 118-108, 116-110 by the three judges to claim victory over Haye, the former WBA champion. Wladimir\'s elder brother Vitali holds the WBC belt and also heads the Kiev-based political party Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform (UDAR, meaning \"punch\" or \"strike\" in Ukrainian and Russian).