Spanish Minister of Sport Alberto Soler on Tuesday expressed his disappointment at Spain's disastrous showing at the just-concluded Daegu World Athletics Championships. Spain sent a 44-athlete team to Daegu and got only one bronze medal. Natalia Rodriguez finished third in the women's 1,500m final, while Spain's only other finalist, Manuel Olmedo, finished fourth at the same distance for men. It was the worst performance by a Spanish team since the Tokyo World Championships in 1991. The most humiliating moment for Spain was that long jumper Concha Montaner and high jumper Ruth Beitia had to form part of the women's 100m relay team, because nobody else was available. Unsurprisingly, the Spanish relay team trailed home in last place in their heat. Speaking in sports paper, Diario AS, Soler said he believes change is needed if Spain is to compete against the best in the world in future events. "Our athletics requires a structural change," said the Minister. "The current model is showing signs of exhaustion and we will have to take a close look at everything as we plan for the future," said Soler. "We need to look at promotion, training, the management of grants and the Athletics Federation," he added, although he stopped short of making a call for the President of the Spanish Athletics Federation, Jose Maria Odriozola, who has been heavily criticized for Spain's poor showing. "It is not the moment to drop the bomb, we should not be looking at who to blame, we should be taking responsibility and correct our course," said Soler, who set his sights on an improved performance in the 2012 Olympic Games in London. "Whoever has not got it clear that the Games are the main objective has got it wrong," he concluded.