Australian Adam Scott Wednesday defended his decision to stick with outspoken caddie Steve Williams despite uproar over a racial slur directed at his former boss Tiger Woods. Williams, who was Woods's caddie for 13 of his 14 major titles before being sacked earlier this year, used a racial insult to refer to the former world number one during an awards dinner on Friday night in Shanghai. The New Zealander has since apologised to Woods for the comment, which Woods described as hurtful but not racist. World number eight Scott had been under pressure to keep Williams on his bag at this week's Australian Open at The Lakes course in Sydney, where Woods is also playing. Scott issued a statement on Monday where he apologised on "behalf of his team" for the comment made by Williams, saying that he had discussed the issue with his caddie and wanted to move on. Scott was again asked about the controversy at a pre-tournament press conference at The Lakes on Wednesday, where he said he stood by his decision. "He's (Williams) a part of my team and it was all unfortunate and I felt that if I spoke up I could say my piece and I wouldn't need to deal with it any more," Scott said. "I think it's a very unfortunate circumstance, we don't need that in the game and I wanted to put an end to it and I feel that I have. "Everyone has their own opinions about the subject, so now I've stood by mine and said all I have to say about (it) really." Woods, 35, who has not won a tournament for two years -- precipitating a slump in his world ranking to 58 -- said a day earlier that he had shaken hands with Williams at the course and agreed to move on. "We talked, we met face to face and talked it through," Woods told a news conference. "Obviously, it was a wrong thing to say, something that we both acknowledged now and we're moving forward. "He did apologise. It was hurtful, certainly, but life goes forward," Woods said. "No, Stevie's certainly not a racist, there's no doubt about that. I think it was a comment that shouldn't have been made and certainly one that he wished he didn't make." Scott said it was "a pretty good thing" that Woods and Williams had shaken hands after the caddie's comments, which created headlines around the world.