The 38-year-old Welshman, who has recently penned a 12-month extension to his playing contract, has no experience in coaching or management, but his team-mate is still convinced he could be the right man to replace Sir Alex Ferguson, when the 70-year-old Scot eventually calls it a day. ‘People have talked about Mourinho [as next manager],’ Scholes told FourFourTwo. ‘It can change quickly - it's about who is successful at the time. Whether they are British or foreign, you just want the best man for the job. ‘I could see Ryan Giggs becoming manager.’ United have previously stated that they will take Ferguson's advice on board when the day comes to make a managerial change, and hinted the appointment could well come from within the club. United’s Chief executive David Gill having told The Independent back in May 2010: ‘I think Alex will be the key. ‘He knows people. He will have a big role in advising and being a sounding board.’ Ferguson rejected an approach from the Welsh FA earlier in the year to make Giggs their new manager following the tragic death of Gary Speed. An FAW source said: 'He [Giggs] was always seen as the natural successor to Gary, but Sir Alex immediately told us there is no chance. 'It’s disappointing as many saw Ryan as the man to continue the foundations laid by Gary. But even a part-time role, which was also mentioned, was also immediately rejected.' From: metro