THE Rock emerged victorious over John Cena to conclude a rollercoaster night of entertainment at WrestleMania 28. In a feud which has its roots in a Wrestlecast interview on SunSport in 2007, The Great One tasted glory in his hometown after a high-quality main event almost impossible to call. As WrestleMania went on air, Cena and The Rock could hardly be split — and the match itself followed the same pattern as first one man seemed to have an advantage, then the other. At about the half-hour mark, Rock uncharacteristically leapt from the top rope into Cena's arms, who rolled through into his patented Attitude Adjustment finishing move, not for the first time in the match. It seemed like the end, but Rock kicked out. From there, Cena smugly looked for a People's Elbow, but Rock countered into a Rock Bottom for the win, sending the Miami crowd into raptures. To put a movie star who has not wrestled a singles match in eight years over your No1 star and draw is an interesting call by WWE. But its credibility will be judged in the future, not now. For the moment all we can do is admire a strong effort from two men who deserve credit for pulling one off here. Many will argue, though, that it was not the match of the night. Wrestling purists will point to a smashing WWE title match between CM Punk and Chris Jericho, which ended with Jericho tapping out to Punk's Anaconda Vice submission hold. The two men complimented each other beautifully in the ring and told a great story of Punk getting revenge on Jericho's heel character. Most, though, I believe, would have given the match-of-the-night night honours to three men who are certified legends of their craft — and who redefined the nature of storytelling in a wrestling context. Triple H and Undertaker, with Shawn Michaels as a guest referee, pulled every trick in the book and every string of the heart to weave a tale worthy of the bard and leave every fan in Florida and those tuning in at home feeling as exhausted as each man looked. Triple H's vicious assault with a chair caused sympathetic ref Michaels to nearly stop the match. To prevent this, Taker put HBK in the dreaded Hell's Gate before Hunter broke the move with a gimmicked sledgehammer to his opponent's head. Later, Michaels would hit Sweet Chin Music, sending the Deadman into HHH's clutches for a Pedigree — only for Taker to kick out. The tables were turned, with Undertaker using the move to punish HHH, and eventually a conflicted Michaels would count three after a tombstone. It was an epic and the three men left arm in arm, completing their journey to the back with a three-way hug. It was not seen on TV, but there is no doubt their biggest reception of all would have been behind the curtain. The thing is, these three matches had to come through for WWE, because the first 60 minutes of this four-hour show were a disaster. In their wisdom, WWE gave Sheamus and Daniel Bryan, two excellent workers who fans genuinely care about, just 18 seconds for a match which consisted of Bryan getting a kiss from his girlfriend and then a kick from his opponent. It was an astonishing decision and a transparent virtual slap in the face to those who admire the talents of the Irishman and the American Dragon. Kane pulled a shock win over Randy Orton and Big Show relieved Cody Rhodes of the intercontinental title in two mediocre, unmemorable matches before WWE allowed celebrity Maria Menounos to score a pin over women's champion Beth Phoenix in a tag match. Menounos, we should point out, had been billed as having broken ribs and a fractured foot. This is hardly putting the shine on your division's mainstay, is it? Fortunately, the big guns powered through. In between, John Laurinaitis seized control of both Raw and Smackdown as his team downed Teddy Long's unit, largely thanks to Eve distracting Zack Ryder. Depending on your allegiance or preference, the night belonged to two legends defining an era, two workhorses putting on a clinic, or two charismatic stars ending a year-long feud in the middle of the ring. Thanks to their efforts, we have this Mania down as the best in several years. We award WrestleMania 28 a score of 8.5 out of 10.