The latest salvo in the ongoing NBA lockout has been fired. On Tuesday, the league began notifying teams that more games will be cancelled as a result of the labour dispute. That means 324 games have been erased from the schedule, which equates to about a quarter of the season. This latest move by the league comes on the heels of the players rejecting the owners\' latest offer, and filing a class action lawsuit against the league, alleging antitrust violations. The players are seeking damages of about 6-billion dollars, triple the amount of salaries for this season. The athletes claim the lockout constitutes an illegal group boycott, a price fixing agreement and the NBA\'s latest offer would have wiped out the competitive market for most players. The league\'s latest proposal called for a 50-50 split of basketball related income between the owners and players and would have provided for a 72-game season to start on Dec. 15. But the players remain at odds with the owners over rules governing contracts and free agency. Players received 57-percent of basketball income from the last bargaining deal which the NBA alleges resulted in a loss of 300 million dollars last season with 22 of its 30 teams coming in under the break even line. The league locked out the players on July 1.