Professional boxers

 Professional boxers will join the fight for the 26 quota places on offer at the last Rio Olympic qualification event in Vargas, Venezuela.

A total of 79 boxers from 40 countries and regions will compete in the July 3-8 tournament one month before the Rio 2016 kick open.

As the International Boxing Association (AIBA) announced the entrants Saturday for the tournament beginning Sunday, former IBF flyweight champion Amnat Ruenroeng from Thailand and former WBA and WBO middleweight titlist Hassan N'Dam of Cameroon are the noticeable names.

AIBA decided earlier this year to allow professional boxers to compete for an Olympic berth, in order to reignite interest in the sport.

"This is a historic moment in boxing and we are eager to complete the Rio 2016 line-up with a groundbreaking competition in Vargas, open to APB/WSB and pro boxers from all organisations for the very first time," said AIBA President Wu Ching-Kuo. "I want to express my sincere thanks to the organising committee for their excellent work in preparing the last Olympic Qualifying Tournament in the home of Venezuelan boxing where the passion for our sport is unequalled."

The competition will allocate three Olympic berths in every weight category except heavyweight (91kg) and super heavyweight (91+kg), from which only the winners will earn an Olympic spot.