Former England coach Martin Johnson on Friday said the fall-out from England\'s shoddy World Cup campaign was \"one of the worst things I have experienced in the game\". Johnson, who resigned last week, defended his coaching team as he strove to limit damage that has been worsened by media reports that the Rugby Football Union (RFU) tried to buy the silence of a New Zealand chambermaid following allegations of sexual harassment during the tournament. The Times quoted a confidential Rugby Players\' Association report into the incident in a hotel in Dunedin and alleged the woman concerned had been offered 30,000 New Zealand dollars ($22,000) to keep quiet after James Haskell, Chris Ashton and Dylan Hartley were accused of verbal sexual harassment. To date, three critical confidential reports into England\'s World Cup campaign, which ended in a quarter-final loss to France, have emerged and Johnson insisted the criticism had been tough to take. \"Of course it is not great to see those bits. It was one of the worst things I have experienced in the game,\" Johnson said. \"You don\'t like seeing criticism of people, of yourself, of players.\" But he said the criticisms should not necessarily be taken at face value. \"Do not take the extreme opinion written in extreme circumstances as fact,\" he said during an interview broadcast on Friday afternoon. \"You are frustrated because what is being reported is not anywhere near the truth of it. From my point of view, that is a fact. That is not what happened. \"The fact we have let it get to here is disappointing and the way the game and the team is now being portrayed is damaging. \"(RFU elite rugby director) Rob (Andrew) said we were rock bottom yesterday and that is probably true. That is what is disappointing. \"The England team should be at the top of the game for everyone to look up to and admire and respect.\" But Johnson also said he had to look at his own shortcomings. \"You should look at yourself,\" he said. \"I took responsibility -- that\'s why I\'m not in a job at the moment. \"My frustration is this is not an accurate reflection of that team.\" And he concluded that if off-field issues muddy the on-field waters, then \"you can keep them separate\" only if a team is winning. \"When you lose, everything gets piled into the same place.\"