coach Amir Shamsaei

Iran's Tasisat Daryaei futsal club's head coach Amir Shamsaei has been nominated for the best futsal club coach of the world in 2015, Tasnim news agency reorted on Sunday.

The Iranian coach, who inspired Tasisat Daryaei to win the AFC Futsal Club Championship in August 2015, has nine other international coaches ahead of him to win the Futsalplanet Awards 2015 event.

Ahead of him, Hernan Basile the head coach of Argentina's Kimberley Futsal, Brazilian Ricardo Camara Sobral "Cacau" for leading Kazakhstan Kairat Almaty, and Fulvio Colini for coaching Italian Pescara c5 have the best chances to win the title.

Also, Mehdi Mostafaei and the Iranian national futsal team have already been nominated for the World's Best Futsal Goalkeeper and the Best National Team of the World respectively.
