Former men's tennis world number one Roger Federerhinted on Wednesday the upcoming birth of another child for him and wife MirkaVavrinec could prevent him playing in the French Open next month.While the family have kept all details of the birth a tight secret - the actual date hasnever been revealed - the father of four-year-old twins said his family life would takeprecedence over any tennis match."It's a priority for me trying to be there (at the birth), trying to support my wife,"said the fourth seed after beating Radek Stepanek in his opening match at theMonte Carlo Masters."Of course, I've played enough tennis matches. Missing a tournament or missing amatch wouldn't change anything for me. As we don't know when it's going to be yet,I'm happy playing at the moment."Asked if his decision would include the French Open, starting in just over five weeks,the 32-year old said: it was too early to say."Let's talk about it when it would happen. At the moment we hope it's not going tobe that way. If it is, that's what it is."As it happened, the July, 2009 birth of twins Myla Rose and Charlene Riva, came withperfect timing, during the five-week gap between Federer's Wimbledon title and hispre-planned resumption in early August in Montreal. Source: AFP