Alison Nicholas hopes that a mix of youth and experience will be the recipe for success at Killeen Castle from Friday as Europe attempt to reclaim the Solheim Cup for the first time since 2003. The US lead 8-3 overall but the home captain is confident of an upset. Nicholas, captaining Europe for a second time, has sent out the Swedish pair of Maria Hjorth and Anna Norqdvist in the first match of the opening foursomes series and they will face Michelle Wie and Cristie Kerr. An all-English pair of rookie Melissa Reid and Karen Stupples are in the second match against Paula Creamer and Brittany Lincicome, while Scotland's Catriona Matthew, a six-time Solheim veteran, joins Spanish rookie Azahara Munoz in match three versus Stacy Lewis and Angela Stanford. In the final foursomes, the strong European pair of world No.2, Suzann Pettersen, and Sophie Gustafson, a four-time Irish Ladies' Open Champion, face Brittany Lang and Juli Inkster, who becomes the oldest Solheim player at the age of 51. "I think I have a good blend in my team and I am very happy with the way the draw has worked out," said Nicholas, the 1997 US Women's Open Champion. "There are players with lots of experience mixed with the newcomers. We have had a great build-up and with home advantage and the rough weather I think there are things in our favour."Rosie Jones, the US captain, has four of the world's top ten in her side and she is relying on her big hitters after a week of heavy rain and cold, windy conditions. "I've put Michelle and Cristie out first because they are both good leaders," she said. " They have played a lot together and had success. I want them to get out there and put up a point. The course is playing very long but it is what we expected." Friday's foursomes (Europe names first): Maria Hjorth/Anna Nordqvist v Michelle Wie/Cristie Kerr Karen Stupples/Melissa Reid v Paula Creamer/Brittany Lincicome Catriona Matthew/Azahara Munoz v Stacy Lewis/Angela Stanford Suzann Pettersen/Sophie Gustafson v Brittany Lang/Juli Inkster