We don\'t want to be like a lot of NBA draft experts and tell you whether this was a weak draft or not. Give us 3-5 years for that. Besides, the top part of the draft was filled with foreign players that we had to rely on ESPN\'s Fran Fraschilla to separate them for us. But that doesn\'t mean we don\'t have have an opinion on every pick. We are intrigued especially by the guards. After Duke\'s Kyrie Irving went No.1 overall to Cleveland, the next six picks were big men before five guards went back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back. Is it possible that Irving won\'t be the best Duke guard in this draft (Nolan Smith at No.21 to Portland was the other)? Did the best guard came in the second round (Butler\'s Shelvin Mack went No. 34 to Washington)? As we\'ve seen with Mark Price, Gilbert Arenas, Monta Ellis, Michael Redd, Carlos Boozer and Manu Ginobili, good things come to you late whatever the position. The draftniks seem to like Irving at No. 1 but had a reservation or two about other lottery picks and high-profile draftees, No. 8 Brandon Knight, No. 9 Kemba Walker and No. 10 Jimmer Fredette. From USA Today.