Danish men's national handball team

The Danish men's national handball team downed Croatia's European Championship bronze medalists 28-24 in its first qualifying match for the Rio 2016 Olympics at the Jyske Bank Boxen Arena in Herning, Denmark on Friday.

The two teams were well-matched and the score was tied six times in the first half. The Danes went to the break with a lead of 11-9, which was extended to 23-17 after 18 minutes of the second half.

The Croatian then scored five goals in a row to reduce the disparity to 23-22. But the hosts were in better shape, upsetting Croatia to claim the victory. Mikkel Hansen was the Danish top scorer with eight goals.

Earlier on Friday, Norway beat Bahrain 35-29 in the other Rio Olympic qualifier at Jyske Bank Boxen Arena.

Denmark will face Norway in its second qualifier on Saturday and is scheduled to play Bahrain in the third and final of the qualification matches on Sunday.