Hosts China claimed the gold medal of the women\'s 3,000m relay at the ISU World Cup Short Track speedskating Shanghai leg here on Sunday. The relay started with the United States in the leading position but the Chinese team, grouping Li Jianrou, Liu Qiuhong, Fan Kexin and Xiao Han, made an overtaking with only four laps to go. Li, runner-up of the 1,000m race on Sunday, surpassed the American skater with a strong spurt and helped China to win the gold in four minutes 12.394 seconds. The United States took the silver in 4:13.000, while Japan was the third in 4:13.763. \"We are very delighted to win the gold medal at home,\" said Liu Qiuhong. \"We only took the bronze in the last stop of the World Cup, and this time we got what we want.\" Talking about the overtaking, Li said:\"Actually it\'s not a choice, it\'s my responsibility. We are a team and to win the gold medal is our goal.\"