Venezuelan Johnny Cecotto junior, whose father and namesake competed in Formula One in the 1980s, will test for Force India in Abu Dhabi next week, the team said on Friday.The 22-year-old German-born driver will have his first taste of a grand prix car at the Yas Marina circuit on Wednesday in the young driver test. Britain\'s Max Chilton will also test for the team.\"I think all drivers want to race in Formula One so the chance to get time in the... car is a big moment for me,\" Cecotto said in a statement.\"I know there\'s a massive amount to learn and a lot of work to get through on the day but I definitely feel ready to get behind the wheel,\" added Cecotto.Cecotto senior raced for Theodore and Toleman in 1983 and 1984 respectively, scoring a point with sixth place in the USA-West Grand Prix in Long Beach.Until the arrival this season of compatriot Pastor Maldonado at Williams, he was the last Venezuelan driver to score a point in Formula One.Other young drivers testing next week include Canadian Robert Wickens, Estonian Kevin Korjus and Czech Jan Charouz with Renault.