Prosecutors have launched an investigation

Prosecutors have launched an investigation against Ricardo Teixeira, former Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF) president, for alleged crimes including money-laundering and fraud, officials said Monday.

The charges stem from alleged corruption toward the end of Teixeira's presidency, between 2009 and 2012, but the investigation is being conducted "completely under wraps," Marcelo del Negri, spokesman for the federal prosecutor's office, told AFP.

A federal police probe found that between 2009-2012, Texeira, who led the CBF for 23 years, moved 464 million reais (now $147.3 million) through his accounts -- an amount that drew attention as "unusual," the newsmagazine Epoca reported after gaining access to the police file.

Teixeira, now 67, stepped down from his post at the CBF in 2012 on grounds of ill health amid allegations of receiving millions of dollars in bribes during his CBF stewardship.

The police probe itself was completed in January, the news report said.

Investigators reportedly found sufficient evidence to charge Teixeira with four crimes including illegal currency movement and falsifying public documents.

Now it is up to the prosecutor to decide whether to hold a formal inquiry and file charges, or dismiss the police report's allegations.

Police did not immediately confirm the report.

Between 2009-2012, Teixeira already was working as head of the organizing committee for World Cup 2014.

The police report was leaked to media amid a massive FIFA scandal that has landed seven FIFA officials in jail including Teixeira's immediate successor at the CBF Jose Maria Marin.

Teixeira was a son-in-law and protege of the legendary Joao Havelange, who led  FIFA for 24 years from 1974-1998.

Sepp Blatter, FIFA's president since 1998, was re-elected Friday to a new four-year term.

The vote came two days after US officials indicted 14 people, including nine current and former FIFA executives on charges of fraud, money laundering and bribery.
Source: AFP