Africa Sports won the Ivorian title on Sunday despite losing 1-2 to AFAD in the Super League.Africa sealed their 17th league title in the closely-fought competition.The Abidjan-based side take the crown from rivals Asec Mimosas, who have won the league in the last two seasons.\"I promised you the title, and we have it. We beat Asec home and away. We need to stop our internecine quarrels and work together to build a club\", new club president Cheick Oumar said.The league title came despite considerable in-fighting at the club, the lack of a fixed ground or headquarters and the club\'s ties to supporters of deposed and arrested former president, Laurent Gbagbo.Africa are currently playing all their matches behind closed doors after their fans attacked a referee earlier in November.Since 1984 the Ivorian league title has been won by either Africa Sports or Asec.