Preparations to host IRONMAN 70.3 Middle East Championship underway.

Preparations to host the IRONMAN 70.3 Middle East Championship Bahrain, scheduled for 25 November, are intensifying. Meetings and preparations are ongoing by the Organising Committee to continue the line of success for this championship in our precious Kingdom.

The IRONMAN 70.3 Middle East Championship is an important event that attracts many local, Arab and international professional and amateur athletes in great collaboration between the government and private sectors that seek to ensure the success of the championship as an important event that highlights the Kingdom and supports the youth and sports movement.

His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Representative of His Majesty the King for Charity Works and Youth Affairs, Chairman of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports, President of Bahrain Olympic Committee, praised the clear role played by the Authorities and Ministries of the government in supporting the Organising Committee in its efforts to present the championship in a manner befitting the Kingdom’s reputation. His Highness also praised the fruitful cooperation with the private sector, which resulted in the sponsorship of many companies of this championship, which represents an ideal way to promote the Kingdom and its cultural achievements.

His Highness added that international championship holds a great place among races, with participants that emphasise the strength of competition including world elite champions along with the Bahrain Endurance Triathlon Team, which will contribute to expand the base of participants in such races in Bahrain.

Not easy

His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa stressed that the race will not be easy in light of the large number of participants who have set their sights on victory, including the Bahrain Triathlon team, which will strive to confirm its position at the global level.

"Competing alongside world champions is a great gain as a unique experience for the team, which will return positively on their career in upcoming competitions," His Highness underlined.

Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa added that the team is now ready to participate in the race, hopefully marking a positive presence through outstanding results. His Highness expressed his confidence in the team members who are determined to represent Bahrain well in this sports event.

"Bahrain has become a home to organise many competitions in different sports, which confirms the confidence of international federations in the Kingdom and its ability to host these events successfully on our soil," His Highness stressed. His Highness indicated out that the ongoing championship preparations are outstanding and professional.

The championship has two sections

The championship is divided into two sections of competition, with professionals and well-known athletes comprising one side, the second side of amateur athletes. Both professional athletes and amateurs have to pass through three stages which include swimming, cycling and running, forcing participants to cross great distances and challenge their strength of performance physically and technically.

Adopting the championship route

The Organising Committee announced the approval of the three-stage route of the championship. Swimming competitions will be held in Bahrain Bay for a distance of 1.9 km, the cycling competition for 90 km, ending with a running race of 21.1 km. The track of the three competitions will pass by the urban, developmental and heritage sites in the Kingdom to introduce participants to Bahrain’s growth, which is one of the objectives of the IRONMAN Championships.

Intensive preparations in Bahrain Bay

Operating Committees continue to prepare for the start of the race in Bahrain Bay. The site will also witness the end of the race, as well as many other accompanying events that will attract fans. The main website dedicated to completing the participation registration process is also being prepared.

Furthermore, the Committee is preparing an accompanying exhibition which includes several stalls allotted to IRONMAN sport, the clothes, equipment and health supplements that fit the game.

Trial cycle race on Friday

The Organising Committee announced the trial bicycle race, which will be held for the same distance as the championship’s cycling competitions, starting with Bahrain Bay, passing through the capital, the Old City, the Financial District, reaching the Bahrain International Circuit and Al Areen Park.

The Organising Committee has concluded all necessary arrangements with the various parties to organise the race, in which many interested young men registered.

2000 participants and the door is still open

The Organising Committee revealed the latest statistics of participation in the championship, with the number of registered individuals exceeding 2000 men and women of different age groups. The Organising Committee expects the number to increase, especially since it received more requests and the door is still open.

Promotional ad broadcasted on Gulf Air screens

The Organising Committee has prepared a tv ad for the Championship, which includes footage about Bahrain, its cultural development, its heritage, in addition to footage of the tourist sites and triathlon championships.

This was in collaboration with the national carrier Gulf Air, the official carrier of the IRONMAN 70.3 Middle East Championship Bahrain, which broadcasted the advertisement on its flight screens on various flights, which will contribute to the promotion of the championship and the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Elite Hospitality Group joins the sponsors

The Organising Committee announced signing Elite Hospitality Group as the official hospitality partner to host the championship. The partnership will provide modern accommodation facilities for the participating athletes.
Sarosh Aibara, CEO of the Group said, "We are very pleased to sponsor the IRONMAN 70.3 Middle East Championship Bahrain, held in its third year. The Group has a long history of supporting many sports activities, especially those for youth. We are proud to be partners in the organisation of this international event, and hope that it will continue its success in the Kingdom."

Souece: BNA