David O\'Leary is taking Dubai club Al Ahli to FIFA after claiming he is yet to receive compensation almost a year after being fired, it was reported on Tuesday. The former Leeds and Aston Villa manager\'s case is being backed by England\'s League Managers Association (LMA), Association Press said. LMA chief executive Richard Bevan said O\'Leary \"has been left with no option but to place his contractual dispute with Al Ahli before the players\' status committee/dispute resolution chamber of FIFA.\" O\'Leary was fired in April 2011 with more than two years remaining on his contract. The former Arsenal player and Leeds United coach was replaced by Abdulhamid Almastaki. Ahmad Khalifa Hammad, CEO of the Dubai club, confirmed the sacking at the time, citing the team\'s poor performance on the pitch. Al Ahli only won 10 of the 30 matches they played since O\'Leary was appointed in July 2010.