Kuwait fencing team continued to reap medals in the 19th Cadet and Junior Arab Fencing Championship currently held in Algeria. Head of Kuwaiti team and Undersecretary of Kuwait Union for Fencing Shaker Sanaseeri told KUNA, on Wednesday, that the Kuwaiti fencing team for the cadet group won three medals in \"sabre\" fencing; sabre is one of the three weapons of modern sport fencing. He noted the gold medal was seized by Abduallh Al-Shimali, the silver and the bronze medals went to Abdulwahab Al-Shatti. Al-Sanaseeri wished the rest of the Kuwaiti team players success in winning medals for the remaining \"epee\" fencing class. The sport of fencing is divided into three weapons. These weapon classes are \"Foil\" a light thrusting weapon that targets the torso, including the back, but not the arms. \"Sabre\" a light cutting and thrusting weapon that targets the entire body above the waist, excluding the off hand and \"Epee\" a heavier thrusting weapon that targets the entire body.