Egypt winger Ahmed Elmohamady scored a first half goal to help the Tigers grab their first away victory of the Championship season against Leeds United on Tuesday. Falling behind to Luciano Bechio’s 8th minute penalty, Elmo came to the rescue in the 23rd minute when he fired home into the far corner of the net. Six minutes later, he sent a precise cross that was brilliantly met by Abdoulaye Faye’s header to put them in the lead. Robert Korean made it 3-1 in the 76th minute to kill any hopes of a comeback for the hosts. Andy Gray pulled one back deep into injury time but that was nothing more than a consolation goal. After six weeks, Hull City are now fourth of the Championship table with 13 points. Elmohamady, who is on a season-long loan from Sunderland, is promising to be a success after making such an impact in his second game at Hull City since his last minute switch. (ahram)