Ahly have officially released Mohamed Talaat and Ahmed Ali from the squad, giving them the right to join any team during the summer transfer window for free."Ahly have officially informed Talaat and Ali that they are off the squad next season and that they can sign for any team for free," said a statement on Ahly's official website. Under the helm of new tactician Hossam El-Badry, Ahly are preparing their fresh team for the coming season, offloading some players they believe less essential. It wasn't all departures, however. Ahly football director Sayed Abdel-Hafiz announced that goalkeeper Mahmoud Abou El-Saoud, currently on loan with Arab Contractors, will return to the squad next season. "El-Badry asked the management to retain Abou El-Saoud's services so he can take part in the team's training camp" Abdel-Hafiz said. Abdel-Hafiz also held a meeting with Ahly's defender Ahmed El-Sayed to negotiate extending his stay with the club. The player asked for 48 hours to consider his decision.