Frank Arnesen won his one and only match in charge of Hamburg as a 2-1 victory at Freiburg took the northern Germany side level on points with their hosts at the bottom of the Bundesliga table. Son Heung-Min put the visitors in front in the 12th minute, but Papiss Cisse levelled in the 47th minute. Ivo Ilicevic restored Hamburg\'s advantage in the 73rd minute and Cisse missed a penalty as the home side slumped to defeat at the Dreisamstadion. From tomorrow, Thorsten Fink will take charge of Hamburg, with Arnesen returning to his previous role of director of sport having left the club in a lot healthier position than before the weekend. Mladen Petric rattled the crossbar in the 12th minute and Son was beaten to the rebound by Cisse, who cleared for a corner. Son reacted quicker from the corner, though, as he put the visitors in front with a close-range header after Jeffrey Bruma\'s header was saved on the line by Oliver Baumann. Freiburg responded well and Cisse had a shot saved well by Jaroslav Drobny after half an hour. Drobny then saved from Cedric Makiadi as the home team pushed for an equaliser. Ilicevic hits the winner They got it just after the break when Cisse scored easily at the far post as Felix Bastians\' long cross made it all the way through to him. There were chances at both ends to go in front before Ilicevic put the visitors ahead for the second time in the 73rd minute. He exchanged passes with Gokhan Tore to break into the penalty area and shoot past Baumann from six yards out. Cisse missed the chance to level again when he shot a penalty over the crossbar in the 81st minute, after Bruma fouled Stefan Reisinger inside the penalty area. It was a costly miss as Freiburg failed to find another route to goal and slumped to a defeat which sees them drop to the foot of the table, level on seven points with Hamburg.