Antonio Nocerino became the second AC Milan midfielder in as many games to score a hat-trick as the Rossoneri moved up to fourth in Serie A thanks to a convincing 4-1 win over Parma. Nocerino, who had scored only five career goals in over 125 games before tonight, put the home side in front after half an hour. He doubled Milan\'s lead two minutes later before Zlatan Ibrahimovic put the result beyond doubt in the 68th minute. Sebastian Giovinco scored a consolation for Parma before Nocerino completed his hat-trick in stoppage time. Kevin-Prince Boateng stole all of the headlines at the weekend as his three goals in the second half of Milan\'s game in Lecce helped them recover from 3-0 down to win 4-3. This time it was the turn of Nocerino as Milan scored four again. He got a lucky rebound off a Parma player to put him through for the first goal in the 30th minute. However, there was no luck involved in his and Milan\'s second in the 32nd minute as he chested the ball down 20 yards from goal and sent in a left-footed volley which curled away from Antonio Mirante into the top corner. In the 70th minute, Cassano lifted a shot over the crossbar from eight yards out after a good touch by Ibrahimovic, who was angry with his team-mate for not taking the shot first time. Three minutes later, Ibrahimovic showed Cassano how it should be done as he held off Rolf Feltscher and then slotted the ball into the bottom corner. Giovinco scored a consolation goal for Parma five minutes later when he was put through by Jonathan Biabiany and he threaded the ball through the legs of Christian Abbiati. But there was still time for Nocerino to complete his hat-trick, heading in from six yards out after meeting Cassano\'s perfectly-weighted cross.