Spokesperson of company Anwar Al Ameri

Spokesperson of Yemeni Petroleum company Anwar Al Ameri accused the revolutionary committees loyal to Houthis of attempting to challenge the work of the company and floating the petroleum products.

He revealed, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, Chairperson of Revolutionary Committees Mohamed Al Houthi withdrew the advantages of the governmental petroleum company to import and market the petroleum products in July 2015 since its establishment in 1961.

He added that the company enjoyed its neutrality in different crises witnessed in the country, as it was ensuring to provide the different sectors with petroleum products, saying that its revenues were referred to the Central Bank to benefit the economic and social services.

Amri said that the businesspersons who import the oil the floatation decision withdrew large amounts of money from banks to exchange them with hard currency, the matter which strongly affected monetary liquidity and led to the dollar withdrawal from the market.

He added that the traders and companies that benefited from the floatation decision launch a war against the petroleum company, as they attempt to suspend its activities to control the petroleum operation as whole, including the importation and marketing processes.