Director Ismail Al Sahabani

Union of Tunisian Workers prepares currently for the coming national conference scheduled to be held on May 19 upon the decision taken by the union’s central authority on last Saturday. The central authority is scheduled to hold a meeting on May 8 to determine the venue, logo and program of the conference.

The union organized a number of conferences in the different Tunisian states during the recent period to prepare for the conference scheduled to be held during the coming month. They discussed a number of major issues during their meetings with the union’s members across the country, including the challenges facing the Tunisian workers.

Director General of Tunisian Workers Union Ismail Al Sahabani said that he has not taken the final decision over many issues related to his work with the union, saying that he has not decided whether he will run for a new term in his position or not. He called the Tunisian government for performing its role and respecting the laws organizing the rights of workers.

He blamed the Tunisian government for adopting biased approach in dealing with the Union, saying that they should work to meet the demands of the head of the union. He added that they should pay the union’s financial dues as soon as possible to enable it perform its role.

He added, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, “Celebration of Labors’ Day this year comes in coincidence with exceptional conditions witnessed in the country, as the Tunisian citizens feel concern over their future amid the recent developments.” He called the different parties for abandoning their personal interests and working to achieve the country’s interests.

He added that the government needs to find alternatives to overcome the current critical conditions witnessed in the country on social, political and economic levels and to meet the demands of Tunisian people during their revolution six years ago.

He demanded the government for taking serious measures to contain the current soaring prices and to increase the wages to allow the people deal with the developments of the living. He added that the union issued a statement to express solidarity with the Tunisian people who organized protests against the government due to the current critical conditions.