U.S Ambassador to Iraq Dugoulas Silliman

U.S Ambassador to Iraq Dugoulas Silliman called for investing the Iraqi money in providing job opportunities and to establish trade projects instead of investing them in Dubai, Beirut and London. He added, during his speech before Technical University of Basra, “We need to see the Iraqi money invested in Dubai, Beirut and London returning to Iraq to support the trade movement inside the country and to created job opportunities to the Iraqi people.”
He added, “Iraq faces critical challenges during the current period due to the decline of oil prices, while it will be expensive work to rebuild and secure the areas recently liberated from the grip of ISIS extremist group.” The U.S diplomat praised the efforts exerted by the Iraqi forces during the battles witnessed in Mousl to eliminate the extremist militias controlling it over two years ago.
He signaled that the country witnesses currently a demographic change, as over 50 percent of the Iraqi people under 19 years old. He added that the private sector achieves slow advance behind the government in creating job opportunities, stressing the need for eliminating unemployment not to allow the extremists dominate the minds of young people.
He expressed his satisfaction over the efforts exerted by the Iraqi government to support the Iraqi economy during the current critical period, saying that the measures should be taken upon the principles of transparency. He called for exerting more efforts to ease bureaucracy and to support the private sector. He stressed that the U.S Administration will resume its role to support the Iraqi government during the coming period as a close partner for Iraq.