Governor of the Tunisian Central Bank, Mostafa Kemal Nabli

Governor of the Tunisian Central Bank, Mostafa Kemal Nabli Tunis – Nébil Zaghdoud Governor of the Tunisian Central Bank, Mostafa Kemal Nabli, has been chosen as the best central bank governor in the African continent for the year 2012 according to a communiqué issued by the Tunisian Central Bank and published Friday on its official website. Nabli received the award at a ceremony on Wednesday in Arusha city, in north Tanzania, in tandem with the annual meeting of the African Development Bank group, the sponsor of the event. According to the supervising committee, this award was granted for \"the remarkable work” done by Nabli in difficult circumstances during the post-revolution period, during which he was able to preserve the financial balances of the country. Nabli, according to a Central Bank communiqué, stated that this honour is not for himself  but is a tribute to post-revolution Tunisia  especially since the country seeks a second stage of democratic transition. He continued :  \"This award is dedicated to the work of the Tunisian Central Bank and the whole banking sector for their combined efforts in continuing to provide financing for the economy and the maintenance of payment systems.” Nabli pointed at a work programme on the short run aims at restructuring and modernising the banking sector in order to elevate it to the level of international standards. Analysts said that this award will prevent the ruling troica parties in the country from moving ahead to dismiss Mostafa Kemal Nabli from his duties as head of the Central Bank, especially as there were talks between the parties two days ago concerning changing the Central Bank governor and to discuss it with the Constituent Assembly which has the right to make this change. The temporary law regulating public authorities states: \"the dismissal of the Central Bank governor can not be done except in accordance with the conditions of his appointment, by a presidential decree in agreement between the president and the prime minister. The appointment shall be effective only after ratification by a majority of those present members of the National Constituent Assembly. The decision should be taken within a period that does not exceed fifteen days from the date of submitting the demand to the head of the National Constituent Assembly. The exemption, as stated in Chapter 26 of the law regulating public authorities, is  a demand issued by one third of the members of the National Constituent Assembly.”