Hackers expose more Israeli credit card details

Hackers expose more Israeli credit card details Cairo - Arabstoday A top banking official has denied claims that hackers from Israel obtained credit card and bank account details of thousands of Saudi nationals, retaliating for an alleged attack on Israeli accounts. Talaat Hafez, secretary-general of the media office in the Kingdom’s banking authority, denied the claim by the Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot. The Israeli daily had earlier claimed that that Israeli hackers were threatening to release the financial information they obtained if hackers continue to publish Israeli credit details on line. Hafez was quoted by the Saudi online newspaper Sabq.org as saying that Saudi bank customers’ financial information was safe and there was “no need for customers to be concerned” because Saudi banks’ information networks were very secure. Hafez also said officials had received no reports from Saudi nationals about their data being breached. The hacking issue surfaced after Yediot Ahronot’s online edition, YNet, reported that hackers — identifying themselves as Group XP, claimed to have gained access to 400,000 Israeli credit card accounts.