Iraqi MP Faleh al-Khazali

Iraqi MP of Badr parliamentary bloc, Faleh al-Khazali said, Saturday, that the actions of a group of Jordanian citizens in the city of Mafraq represents a clear attack against the right of rejecting extremism and equating humanity by standing with their fateful issues.
Khazali said that underestimating the images of scientists and leaders of the nation is only evidence of the existence of many supporters for IS in Arab countries, especially in Jordan, pointing out that Iraqi people are victim of the crimes of Zarqawi.

He called on the Iraqi government to shoulder its responsibility for this attack and also to cut the oil tracks to Jordan because of its stands on these attacks.
 On Friday, Jordanians burned pictures of Iranian President Hassan Rowhani as well as Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, Nuri al-Maliki, Muqtada al-Sadr, Iranian supreme leader Ali Khamenei, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and leader of the Houthi group Abdulmalik al-Houthi as well as the image of  Ali Sistani, in protest against what they called "threats of the Magi of the Sunnis in Jordan and Saudi Arabia.