Egyptian parliamentarian Medhat Al Sherif

A large number of Egyptian people turned to use new ideas to face the current soaring prices witnessed in the country during the critical period. Some Egyptians turned to coordinate during buying their domestic needs and others use only one car on their way to work.
Egyptian parliamentarian Medhat Al Sherif praised such ideas, saying that they perform a major role to expand the consumption rationalization culture. He stressed the importance of popular initiatives to confront the current economic crisis witnessed in the country.
He added that civil society organizations should perform a major role to increases the awareness among the Egyptian people to rationalize spending and to turn the families from consumers to producers to pave the way for achieving self-sufficiency.
He added that such initiatives perform a major role to confront the high cost of living and to rationalize consumption during the current critical period. He added, “Each citizen realizes the current economic situation and the inability of the government to meet his demands. Thus, he should cut his own spending to confront the unprecedented increasing prices.”
Regarding the parliamentary role, he said that Egypt’s House of Representatives contact with the government to discuss the ways to contain the negative repercussions of the current crisis on the Egyptian citizen. He added, “We, as representatives, are keen to discuss the extraordinary ideas adopted by the citizens to generalize them among the Egyptians in different provinces to pave the way for resolving the crisis.”