Director Ramy Aboul Reesh

Director General of Trade and crossings in Gaza’s Ministry of Economy Ramy Aboul Reesh blamed the Israeli occupation for preventing the entry of many commodities to the besieged strip, saying that the Israeli approach could suspend the work of many factories operating in Gaza.

He added, during an interview with “Arabs Today”, that the Israeli occupation increased the number of commodities banned from entering the Gaza Strip, revealing that the number of banned goods reached to 500. He added that the Israeli government tightens its siege imposed on Gaza although it allows the passage of eight hundred trucks through the Kerem Shalom crossing.

He added, “Such approach to increase the commodities banned from entering the strip aims to aggravate the situation and to negatively affect the different economic, health and educational sectors and to delay the projects adopted by the private sector and International and Arab institutions.”

He blamed the Israeli policies for pushing many economic institutions to reduce their activities, saying that Gaza’s authorities work to supervise the work in the Kerem Shalom crossing through inspection and to analyze the foodstuffs entering the Gaza Strip.

He added that Gaza's authorities are keen not to allow the imported commodities enter the market without inspecting them to ensure their safety, saying that such a measure aims to protect the consumers.

He called the international community for pressuring the Israeli occupation for ending the current blockade imposed for years against the coastal strip in a clear violation to the International Law, stressing the need for allowing the commodities and raw materials to enter Gaza during the coming period.

He revealed that Gaza's government allocated four thousand meters to receive the commodities coming from the other countries, saying that the area would be automatically developed with the increase of trade exchange.