Mustapha Kemel Nabli

Mustapha Kemel Nabli Tunis - Nabil Zaghdoud Mustapha Kamel Nabli, the governor of Tunisia\'s Central Bank Tuesday denied accusations of hindering the government\'s plans, and putting the country\'s economy at risk, adding that Central Bank officials have no intention of ignoring the state\'s will. Questioned before Tunisia\'s Constituent Assembly, Nabli said he warned the government more than once, of the negative effects of the Euro crisis on the Tunisian economy. \"The Central Bank is an independent institution which has no political affiliation. The administrative body of the bank always does its best to reach the right decisions for the state\'s economy, and our efforts since the early months of the revolution have saved the country\'s economy from an inevitable collapse,\" said Nabli to the assembly\'s members. \"The board of the Bank convenes once every month, to follow the financial situation in Tunisia and take the required decisions. We also issue a monthly report about the economic and financial statistics in the country, as well as amending the interest rate of the local currency if needed,\" he added. Nabli insisted that Central Bank\'s administration is totally independent, in the same time he expressed readiness to be questioned and held accountable by the country\'s legislative power \"as what is happening in every democratic state.\" Nabli fell under strong criticism for his performance, the critics said he failed to achieve anything positive for the Tunisian economy  since he was appointed in January 17 2011, three days after the departure of the ousted President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali President Moncef Marzouki said recently he considers firing Nabli from his position.