Sadiq Desiri

Leading member of Algeria’s Trade Union Bloc Sadiq Desiri revealed that they intend to organize a national march in the near future to force the Algerian government to review the retirement law which raised a state of controversy among the Algerian people during the recent period. He said that the action comes to protest against the statements issued by Prime Minister Abdel Malek Salal who stressed his insistence on the law due to the current economic situation witnessed in the country.
He revealed, during an interview with “Arabs Today”, that the leaders of the bloc will hold a meeting on May 20 to discuss their plan for the coming protests that they intend to launch to express their protest against the law.
He stressed that the Algerian workers expressed their refusal to the decision taken by the Algerian authorities to refer male workers to retirement at the age of 60 and women at 55. He stressed that the decision raised a state of controversy among the workers in the Algerian community.
He continued that they work currently to prepare an inclusive file over the purchasing power of the Algerian citizen to discuss the current economic situation of the weak labor categories due to the insane rise in market prices and taxes.
He signaled that the leading members of the independent trade unions raised the necessity of unifying the proposals related the new labor law, stressing the need for defending the rights of Algerian workers and to avoid the repetition of the budget law of 2016 that left negative repercussions on the Algerian worker.

Source: Arab News