Sawt al-Shabab (Sound of Youngs) radio station celebrated on Monday the 11th anniversary of its inception, dedicating the celebration the Syrian Arab army. Information Minister, Omran al-Zoubi thanked, in a recorded address, the Syrian state and private media, and Sawt al-Shabab cadre. He highlighted the quantum leaps in the performance Sawt al-Shabab since its inception, adding that the radio has played an exceptional role and proved its success on the political, social, sports and art level through a qualified cadre characterized by wide experience and innovative initiatives. He wished success and progress to the radio station, hoping that it would get closer to the issues of the homeland and citizens and become even more expressive of the youth. Ramez Turjoman, Director-General of the General Establishment of Radio and Television said Sawt al-Shabab has a rich and diversified map of programs that met the aspirations of the Syrian youth in various cultural and entertainment fields. He added that the station, along with fellow radio stations, managed to confront the media war targeting Syria, hailing the role of the radio seminars that the channel has organized in paving the way for a responsible and genuine dialogue that assimilates all viewpoints. The Lebanese political analyst, Ghaleb Kandil saluted the Syrian national media, especially Sawt al-Shabab, which proved capable of achieving victory over media that sought to hide the truth about the situation in Syria. Brigadier-General Fawwaz Mustapha, who represented the Syrian army in the celebration, saluted the army\' martyrs who sacrificed their souls for the sake of the homeland. He added that the army has remained invincible in defending Syria\'s culture and civilization, underlining the role of national media in conveying the victories of the Syrian army, and hailing Sawt al-Shabab efforts in establishing g contacts with the audience.