Dr. Mekhemer Abu Saada

Professor of Political Science at Al-Azhar University in the Gaza Strip, Dr. Mekhemer Abu Saada, confirmed that the current situation in Gaza is historical, blaming the measures taken by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas against the residents of the Gaza Strip, including Reducing employee salaries, reducing medical remittances, and reducing the amount of electricity.

He added, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, that the measures taken against the Gaza strip during the latest four months are collective punishment against the residents of Gaza during the current critical period. He added that situation will be even more tragic with the rise of poverty and unemployment, and the pressures on citizens will increase.

He stressed, “There is no immediate solution. Hamas or Fatah's statements confirm that each side is sticking to its positions. Abbas calls for dissolving the administrative committee in Gaza, while Hamas conditions cancelling the measures taken against the strip.” He added that reconciliation is disabled, and go to a dead end, unlikely to be any breakthrough in this file.

He added that there are many arrangements for the holding of the Palestinian National Council, through consultations involving all factions, saying that the meeting comes in the framework of preparations for the meeting of Palestinian National Council.

He said, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, that reduction of US aid to the Palestinian Authority, among the items on the agenda of the Executive Committee meeting, as well as the political situation in Palestine, reconciliation and the convening of the National Assembly.”

In my view, he added, when some US aid is stopped for the Palestinian Authority, under the pretext of the salaries of the families of the martyrs and prisoners, it must be emphasized that the salaries of the families of the martyrs and prisoners cannot be affected by them are guaranteed by law, and secondly this position of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Congress, Palestinian conflict and a position that falls within the framework of the American bias towards the Israeli occupation.