Egypt's Mufti Shawky Allam

Mufti of the Republic Shawky Allam on Tuesday asserted that terrorism can not be associated to any religion or nation.

In an article that was published in the Brazilian newspaper DomTotal, he added that the whole world is not any longer safe from terrorism and its attacks.

This state of affairs, he added, requires cooperation from everybody for uprooting terrorism.

In his article that was published under the title " No Room for Terrorism in Islamic Teachings", the Mufti noted that war against terrorism should start with uncovering the false and warped ideas of the terrorist ideology.

Those extremists have tarnished the image of Islam through their barbaric acts that only appeases their abnormal proclivities, he pointed out.

The acts of massacring innocent people and setting ablaze their schools let alone raping women and prosecuting minorities contradict the core of Islam which advocates mercy and tolerance, he added.
Source: MENA