Promotion of culture is 'best and most effective way' to create sense of belonging to one nation

President of the Republic Abdelaziz Bouteflika insisted Thursday that the promotion of culture is the "best and most effective way" to create the sense of belonging to one nation in this difficult situation which urges the Arab countries to "more cohesion and solidarity."

In a message on the occasion of the celebration of Youm El Ilm (Knowledge Day) and the inauguration of "Constantine, Capital of Arab Culture 2015" event, read on his behalf by his adviser Mohamed Benamar Zerhouni, the Head of State deplored "the dangers that afflict the Arab nation because of the conflicts in some Arab countries and now threaten to undermine their security, stability and unity."

"A difficult situation that urges us to show greater cohesion and solidarity to stop the weakening of this nation, which is bleeding and exhausted, and to rebuild the Arab dream taking into account the best interests of the Arab countries," stated President Bouteflika who recommended to place "culture at the heart of our efforts to make up for what we lost, by drawing on our unifying identity, historical, religious and linguistic values."

"This , according to us, the best and most effective way to strengthen the unwavering bonds of brotherhood and find the strength to face the Other, defend the truth and to aspire to a future that cannot be built without the rising Arab elites," stressed the President of the Republic.
Source: APS