Algeria works to preserve the memory and promote the national cultural heritage

President of the Republic Abdelaziz Bouteflika said Thursday that through its cultural policy, Algeria works to preserve the memory and promote the national cultural heritage.

"The attachment to our constant values and principles  challenges us to work for the preservation of the nation’s memory, to bring to light on its achievements and its glories and to promote the national cultural heritage in all its diversity, with its symbols and the genius of its children. This is our approach that stems from a cultural policy that focuses on encouraging the talents of our designers and fits our times without denying the past," said the Head of State in a message on the occasion of the celebration of Youm El Ilm and the inauguration of the event" Constantine, capital of Arab Culture 2015," read on his behalf by his adviser, Mohamed Benamar Zerhouni.

President Bouteflika stressed in his message that "through the annual celebration of the Knowledge Day, we want to affirm our shared determination to acquire knowledge, the driving force of development and renewal. We also want to express our gratitude to the scholars, teachers and the trainers and searchers who accomplish with a deep sense of responsibility their mission in the education and the training of generations."

For the Head of State, "culture is the foundation of the nation and the cement that consolidates the unity. It is therefore necessary to strengthen, deepen and promote it in order to preserve our cultural safety in times of rampant globalization, but also to fortify youth immunity to better protect from religious extremism and sectarian fanaticism."

Speaking about Constantine, the Head of State considers that it "is not surprising that the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization make of this city, which" has accumulated, over the time, the insignia of honor and glories, the host of Arab culture for 2015 ".
Source: APS