Marianne Gasser and Nizar Yazigi.

Ministry of Health and the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) signed on Tuesday two memorandums of cooperation to strengthen the capacity and response of health institutions in the areas of diagnosis and treatment of diabetes and Leishmaniasis.

The first MoU aims at promoting joint action to reduce the side effects of diabetes and cooperation to increase the diagnostic and treatment services for people with this disease.

Meanwhile the second memorandum provides for enhanced response to the needs of patients with Leishmaniasis.

For his part, Health Minister Nizar Yazigi expressed the ministry’s readiness to enhance cooperation with the ICRC in various fields, stressing the continuation of providing preventive, surveying and therapeutic services to all citizens.

In turn, Head of ICRC in Syria Marianne Gasser expressed her appreciation for the efforts of the Health Ministry and its keenness on “good cooperation” with the ICRC, stressing the readiness to expand cooperation to bolster the response of the health sector.