UAE have seen cases of hand, foot and mouth disease.

Some schools and nurseries in the UAE have seen cases of hand, foot and mouth disease this week.

“We had one case this week. We usually have a few cases at the beginning of a school year. It’s seasonal and we tend to send out an extensive email to parents explaining the symptoms, and ways to keep the child comfortable,” according to Odyssey, one of the nurseries in Dubai in a statement.

“In our nursery we make sure to disinfect and clean on a daily basis while taking all the necessary steps for hygiene,” the nursery said.
Dr Rain Osman, a pediatrician at la Familia clinic, confirmed that they see a lot of cases during this time. “It's most common in spring, and autumn but the most spread is in autumn with schools opening. In the last two weeks we have seen several cases at the clinic.”

The disease has a high contagious rate because symptoms do not show immediately -- they need five to eight days after the initial exposure. Children will carry the virus for many weeks after they have recovered and so can continue to pass on the virus to other people.

“The viruses that usually cause hand-foot-and-mouth are called coxsackievirus a16 and enterovirus 71,” said Dr Rain explaining the nature of the disease. “Usually, it’s self-limiting not serious but needs seven to 10 days to clear from the body. And its incubation period is mostly three to six days before symptoms appear, and that is why it spreads fast in nurseries,” the doctor said.

A child initially becomes irritable, with a sore throat and loss of appetite. Days later fever and small red spots can be seen inside the mouth that may turn into blisters. A skin rash afterwards starts to appear as red blisters on the palm, feet and buttocks.
Dr Rain said there is no immediate medicine or therapy “only symptoms are treated". The infected child can be given fever-lowering medicine and lots of fluids and rest. Also cold treats like ice cream and yoghurt to minimize the pain from the blisters in the mouth and anti-itch lotions to help with the rashes.

Also "If a child is older than two years, mild numbing mouth sprays can be used. Most important is to keep the child hydrated with plenty of water."

Many nurseries seek a clearance letter from the pediatrician, if a child is diagnosed with hand, feet and mouth disease.

Preventing the spread of disease
Wash hands with soap and water after using the toilet, changing diapers and after coming in contact with infected child's body fluids.