Book Expo America, BEA

Sharjah International Book Fair, SIBF, will participate in Book Expo America, BEA, which is taking place from 28th to 31st May at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Centre in New York City.
The SIBF delegation attending the four-day event will be headed by SIBF Director, Ahmed Al Ameri, and will include Salim Omar Salim, Head of Sales and Marketing, and Faisal Al Nabouda, Sales Officer - International.
Commenting on SIBF's participation in BEA, Ahmed Al Ameri said, "Book Expo America is a highlight of the annual calendar as it is one of the few events that continues to evolve - it is in every way reflective of the industry it serves. We are particularly excited about this year's Global Market Forum, which previously served as an excellent platform for showcasing the Sharjah International Book Fair, and we believe that this year will offer similar opportunities." Salim Omar Salim said, "SIBF's participation in Book Expo America will focus on establishing bridges of communication and introduce the 'Translation Grant' to American Authors, an initiative launched by SIBF management and supported by the Government of Sharjah, which aims to encourage the translation of books to and from the Arabic language to enrich Arabic and international Culture with valuable new knowledge and science related books."
Source: WAM