Algerian musician Mohamed Rawan

Algerian musician Mohamed Rawan spoke about his relation with Mandole instrument, and his dream to perform concerts across the world, making a combination of Mandole music dubbed as "Casbah Jazz" and other world music.

Rawan said in an interview with Arabs Today that Mandole is a rare music instrument in the Arab world, only found in Algeria, and it is historically associated with folk music god father Mohamed Elanki. He said that Mandole appeared in 1322, and was played by Arabs and Europeans. He expressed his happiness of his success to attract attention of Algerians and artists from the Arab world for this historic instrument.

Rawan said that he started his career in 2000 and released his first album in 2002, titled "Dream," noting that since that time he works to revive this instrument, until he managed to attract the attention of international artists such as Lebanese singer Magda El Roumi. He also received invitations from several musicians in Turkey, France and America to combine their music with Mandole.

He said that he met Iraqi artist Nasser Shamma, who expressed great admiration for this music, especially when he heard the first album, "dream", and described his music as touristic music. He added that he received an invitation from the Cairo Opera House.